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“Steady and Strong” falls prevention

These sessions are designed for over 65's (or anyone younger who may benefit) who are beginning to feel less stable and confident when walking or performing daily living activities.

Physical activity, i

ncluding strength and balance, is vital for healthy ageing.

Steady and Strong classes are designed to help people to improve their strength and balance, helping you to live independently for longer and avoid falls. Exercises are done both seated and standing, with chair support for those who require it.

We will work on general fitness, improving stamina, strength, balance and co-ordination. Utilising resistance bands (long lengths of varying strength rubber) we aim to help improve muscle and bone strength especially in the more vulnerable wrists, hips and spine regions.

Jenny currently runs "Steady and Strong" group classes (for more information on the venues follow the link) in various locations in Hythe, Romsey, Braishfield and Blackfield, at £20-£22.50 per person per month and also offers private sessions at the personal training rates.

All private or group sessions are held in venues with Covid-19 safe social distancing and hygiene strategies. 

Please contact us on 07845 530855 for further details and to check availability.

Services and Prices