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  • Develops a strong "core" or centre of the body. Control of the core is achieved by integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle.

  • Improves posture, helps to flatten your tummy and can reduce lower back pain ad other joint pain symptoms.

  • Can enhance your physical strength, flexibility and co-ordination as well as reduce stress, improve mental focus and encourage an improved sense of well-being.

  • Conditions the whole body. All muscle groups are strengthened in balance, helping you enjoy daily activities and sports with greater ease, better performance and less chance of injury. This explains why so many professional athletes and sports teams do Pilates as part of their training.

  • Is safe and gentle with basic movements and progressions for each exercise which make it suitable for all fitness levels. It is often used in physical therapy for rehabilitation.

  • And by developing proper technique you can train your body to move more efficiently, essential for injury recovery, good posture and optimal health.

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What could Pilates do for you?

If you have weak core muscles, back or other joint pain, if you feel stressed, have poor posture, poor flexibility and/or are prone to injury - read on about the benefits of doing Pilates.....

  • Weak core muscles?
    Your core is the centre of your body where all of your strength originates from, Pilates focuses on exercises that constantly engage the core, leading to flatter abs and a strong back, working both sides of muscles simultaneously.

  • Back or other joint pain?
    A strong core means a better back, Pilates stabilises the lower back area, alleviates stress and improves mobility. It can also relieve other joint pain.

  • Stressed?

    Pilates targets the mind. Proper breathing and concentration can reduce everyday stress and create mind/body awareness.

  • Poor posture?
    Pilates strengthens and lengthens the spine. Good posture is a reflection of good alignment supported by a strong core.

  • Poor flexibility?
    Pilates will increase your flexibility which allows muscles to safely lengthen and stretch further improving your range of motion to meet the demands of life.

  • Prone to injury?
    In addition to improving flexibility Pilates will improve muscular control which helps to prevents injuries.

Classes available:

  • Monday mixed level classes at 5.30-6.30 and 6.45-7.45pm. The price is £60 for the block of 6 x 1 hour classes. Pay as you go sessions are also available for £12 per class, this offer is only available for two blocks during each year or for your first class as a trial before committing to a block of classes.

    Our local venue is Jubilee Hall, The Square, Fawley, Southampton, SO45 1DD.

Call, email or message us if you are interested in joining.

Pilates is for everyBODY.
With a large number of variations, Pilates Is adaptable to many fitness levels, ages and needs.

Our class instructor is a level 3 Pilates and level 4 low back pain specialist instructor with rehabilitative exercise therapy training.

The classes are open to anyone from age 14 upwards (no maximum age, providing you are able to get down to and up
from the mat as most of the class is done lying down in various positions)
Please bring your own mat with you to classes.

If you have any questions about the classes or wish to book in please do not hesitate to call us on 07845 530855
or email us at jenny@redforestfitness.com or send a message through our contact page or messenger.

Pre and post natal clients, or those with a medical condition or injury are very welcome, however please check with your
medical professional first to ensure that they are happy for you to do Pilates, before booking in with us.
Doctors, physios, osteopaths, chiropractors etc often recommend Pilates and we welcome any advice that we receive from them.

We also offer 1:1 Pilates personal training sessions at the usual personal training rates, please contact us to discuss.

Services and Prices Testimonials

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