
A few words from our clients:

"I had been suffering with intense back pain following an injury 3 years ago. Despite physiotherapy, acupuncture and osteopath treatments, progress was limited and the medical specialists had told me I would never be pain free and the damage was permanent. I was therefore taking high levels of painkillers.

Within a month of seeing Jenny once a week I could stop taking the medication and had seen enormous progress. After 5 months I am virtually pain free and have lost 2 stone in weight and have regained confidence lost. Jenny did a detailed analysis of my posture etc and devised a personalised fitness plan which could be maintained at home or in my own gym. She was very motivating and each session she had new exercises to continue to build on. Our sessions have dropped from weekly to monthly, but I am still seeing good progress and improvement in my physical strength.

I would recommend Jenny to anyone who like me has lower back pain and look forward to seeing further progress."


"Jenny has been my personal trainer for the past 6 months and I am very happy with the progress made during this time.

I had never done PT before meeting Jenny, so she was very friendly, accommodating and willing to teach me the basics before moving onto more advanced and challenging exercises to really push me. The best thing is the regular health assessments that Jenny does, ranging from cardio checks to tape measurements and bodyfat readings which helps you recognise the progress made week on week.

I have seen notable improvements in my core strength, stability and all round general fitness - not to mention a visible change in my appearance! Thanks Jenny!"


"We would highly recommend Jenny for personal training, she is professional and dedicated to her work, whilst also friendly, approachable and she makes you feel at ease when training and is happy to adapt the work out to suit you. She is also very flexible and understanding when it comes to switching sessions due to work commitments. Jenny was my personal trainer for a year and a half during my time in Romsey and she helped me train to get into shape and to get fit for my wedding day, my husband and I then continued working with Jenny weekly, this helped motivate us to stay fit and we really enjoyed working with her and we are sad to say goodbye when we move to Winchester."


"Jenny took on the difficult task of getting someone in their 60s, who was somewhat overweight and whose only exercise was to walk the dog, in shape in only 2 months to climb Mt Kilimanjaro. The sessions were hard work but Jenny’s cheerful manner kept me trying hard to achieve my goals. She was also very careful to check I was positioning my body correctly to get the maximum benefit out of each exercise as, in between sessions when I was trying out the exercises on my own, I wasn’t always getting them completely right. Since my return from the climb I decided to keep on going with Jenny as I feel so much better. Importantly, she keeps varying the exercises so that I don’t get bored with the same old routine and we work on the areas that I am most concerned about whilst continuing to maintain all round fitness. An added bonus is that I have slimmed down at the same time."


"Thanks Jenny for helping me achieve my fitness goals, working hard but having fun too. You managed to work around my various injuries without making them worse and still improved my fitness levels which was something I didn’t think could happen. You’ve taught me so many things I now have the confidence to go in the gym and make up my own workout. I am determined to hold on to and build on my fitness levels. Thanks for all your support in getting me this far."


“Jenny has been my personal trainer for 6 years. She is a very experienced trainer and very knowledgeable about nutrition. Every training session is unique and she has a way of always making me feel better. I would highly recommend Jenny in face to face sessions and also online.”

Jane S

“I began Steady and Strong classes to improve my core stability, being chair based, it was an accessible form of exercise for me. This, along with a swimming session each week has reduced my falls by literally 70%. I am certainly more steady!!! The groups are a great size of really lovely and friendly people and Jenny is a wonderful instructor, altering exercises according to our specific needs. It is the highlight of my week!”


“I started doing personal training sessions with Jenny while I was still getting over knee surgery. I had lost all my fitness and all confidence in my body to do any sort of exercise. Fast forward 18 months and with the perfect balance of encouragement, humour and insistence I almost forget how far I’ve come - I’ve overcome my fear of the BOSU ball, my fear of pushing myself hard enough to get fit again and my fear of letting go of the kettlebell and having it fly through the window! And I have had a lot of fun along the way including Pilates sessions at Blackfield Primary School. More recently of course both group Pilates and PT sessions have been via Zoom which have continued to be fun (and hard work!). I’m looking forward to seeing what the next 18 months will bring.”


“I have ‘Drop-Foot’; which means that my right foot has no sensation at all and there is only 40% feeling in my left foot; therefore my mobility is very compromised and I now require crutches or walking sticks for short distances, and a wheelchair to go further afield. Since starting at Jenny’s Steady and Strong class at Braishfeld a year ago, my balance and overall strength have improved so much and I have gained confidence too. When the COVID-19 lockdown was put in place these weekly classes had to be stopped, and although I can do the exercises on my own at home, I so missed meeting with my class friends and enjoying Jenny’s gentle and happy encouragement. She has such a positive attitude to life and her classes really lift my spirits as well as helping me coordinate my body movements. Jenny then organised a new on-line weekly exercise session via Zoom, so once again I’m able to do the exercises and have got to know more people from her other classes in the area. I cannot praise Jenny high enough, her bright bubbly personality together with her vast movement knowledge for those for whom mobility is a problem, make her an ideal tutor. She helps each of us with never ending encouragement and carefully and quietly ensures that each of us has an alternative exercise if required due to each individual’s specific needs. It’s made such a huge difference to my life and I truly look forward to Jenny’s class each week, either in person or via Zoom.


“After being diagnosed with osteopenia, my GP recommended joining the gym to help strengthen my bones and so that's how I met Jenny. While my husband is a gym enthusiast and keen trail runner, I was never too excited about gym workouts basically because I used to get awfully bored. I used to sign up to the gym as part of my New Year resolution… only to drop out a couple of months later. Running endlessly like a hamster in a wheel was not precisely my idea of fun.

Soon after joining the gym, I hired Jenny as my personal trainer. AND THEN THE FUN BEGAN! Jenny has a very friendly disposition and there's never a dull moment in our weekly routine. She introduces me to new and exciting exercises in ways that I never knew before. Using all sorts of gym equipment like weighted balls, suspension trainers, kettle bells, rebounders, heavy ropes, bungee cords, and all sorts of elements she makes exercising a real pleasure. Her passion for fitness is contagious.

Since I started training with Jenny I feel a lot happier, stronger and fit. An added bonus is that I dropped a whole dress size! I would recommend Jenny to all my friends, anytime. I can't wait for our next session, this time… outdoors!”


"I go to Jenny's Fitball class, she changes the routine each week and makes the classes fun whilst doing a work out! She gives you different options to your own fitness levels. I have also had personal training with Jenny to get fitter for skiing and have had Jenny as a ski instructor. Absolutely brilliant, Jenny worked with me on specific areas to gain strength and stamina for skiing and also having a knee injury, she was able to put all this together and gain the results from it that I needed to get back to skiing and regain confidence back on the slopes."


“I have known Jenny for five months and she has been my personal trainer for all that time and not only has it improved my health and well being she has also become a good friend.

She helps with my nutrition and we discuss what affects the food that I eat has on me and how what I consume on a daily basis can help with losing weight, keeping it off and certainly not putting any on and has discussed the ways I can eat a more healthy diet that helps with my arthritis and the associated problems I have with that condition.

She gets the best out of me without me realising it as she is a great motivator and helps and encourages me to train on a regular basis while at the same time not pushing me so hard that it would become uncomfortable.

So over the last five months during the time Jenny has been working with me she has helped me with my fitness, my diet and total wellbeing and after my weekly gym session and workout I come away with a wonderful feeling of achievement.”


"When I started sessions with Jenny, my aim was to try and move my fitness to the next level and I wasn’t disappointed. Jenny really challenged me in each session, with a new work out programme each week that kept me motivated and were always varied and taught me something new. She is so friendly and makes the sessions as enjoyable as possible, but really does push you to reach your potential, which is what I really needed, as when working out on my own I was never sure of how far I could push myself. She ensures all your moves are accurate to prevent injury and maximise the purpose of the exercise, to achieve best results. I’ve come out feeling so much stronger and I have more confidence when in the gym also with trying out different equipment. I would really recommend anyone who is questioning whether personal training is for them to give it a try as it enables an expert to really help prove you can achieve more than you could imagine on your own."


"I have been a using the gym for several years but felt I was not making the best use of either the resources available or my time. Jenny has given me confidence to use the free weights, the BOSU balance trainer and Swiss balls alongside some of the other scary looking gym equipment. My stamina and muscle tone has been improved greatly with a varied programme of exercises. I have found Jenny's knowledge and support to be a great benefit and seeing her every month has allowed me to take time to work on programmes and then introduce new elements every few weeks to constantly give me new challenges and stop complacency."


"Jenny and I have worked together over a period of 18 months although only regularly for the last six months. I have been on a mission and she has shared my journey from obese to my shape and weight of 25 years ago! She has fitted her programme for me around my own regime filling in the areas that I avoided and needed but didn’t particularly enjoy! I know she will agree that we have worked with much humour and, for me, achievement.

She has helped me enormously (thank you!) and I can recommend that anyone seeking to achieve should work with Jenny."


"Jenny's Pilates classes are good for body, mind and soul. We always leave class feeling that we have worked hard but had fun too."


"Pilates with Jenny has improved my fitness, core strength and flexibility. It has practically eliminated my back problems and improved my quality of life. Jenny's classes are fun and delivered with great humour."


"Jenny takes my Swiss ball classes, which I really enjoy. She is an experienced instructor who makes the classes fun whilst at the same time ensuring the exercises are performed correctly. Jenny changes the format of the class regularly to keep interest and always has time to go through any queries I might have. She will adapt exercises if I have an injury."

Jane C

"I think Jenny is a great instructor, she takes the time to make sure you are exercising properly even in a busy class. Her energy and enthusiasm makes exercise enjoyable."

Jane E

"I have trained with Jenny over the last six months and have always found her to be very knowledgeable and understanding of my personal goals and targets. She is very encouraging and ensures that the workouts are interesting and changed regularly and she explains the purpose of the exercises really clearly. Jenny made me realise that the gym has so much to offer and not to be daunted by the equipment, and her programmes are easy to follow and full of variety and intensity."


"I go to Jenny's Swiss Ball class at the Rapids. Jenny is very friendly and fun to work with. She is able to get the best out of you, takes time to make sure you are moving correctly and adjusts your technique accordingly. As a result you feel challenged and motivated, and this really helps engage your mind, as well as your muscles. Jenny constantly checks back with you as we work through the class and this makes you work harder, too. Thanks, Jenny, I really enjoy your class."
