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Personal training

Personal training is a great way to help achieve many goals from weight loss or gain, adding muscle mass or toning up, to improving medical conditions or general well-being. Personal training sessions are in 30 or 60 minute sessions, which can incorporate nutrition and weight management advice as well. We will start with a complimentary session of approximately 30 minutes where we will discuss your goals, likes and needs and come up with a plan to succeed. We will explain to you the type of exercise we will do and decide when and where to do it. We ask you to wear suitable clothes for exercise such as training shoes, tracksuit bottoms, leggings or shorts, and a comfortable t-shirt, vest or top. We also recommend that you bring a towel and a water bottle and something warm to wear when you have finished exercising.

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In our first personal training session we will take base measurements including blood pressure, weight, and tape measurements so we have a starting point to refer back to.

You can choose to come to our private studio/gym where we have various cardiovascular and resistance equipment. We also offer personal training sessions at Wellow Fitness Centre which is just outside Romsey town centre, here we have completely private gym rooms and you do not have to wait for equipment to become free.

Both venues provide a great opportunity to exercise in a non-intimidating environment, and is ideal for those who have never exercised before, those who are anxious about going to a bigger communal gym, those who have disabilities or medical conditions or experienced exercisers who require some guidance or motivation.

Alternatively we can come to your home or garden, use Zoom for online training or go to the great outdoors with the relevant equipment, or use the natural props around us.

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Nutrition and weight management

Whether you're looking to improve your knowledge and understanding of healthy eating or would like to incorporate some nutrition theory into your personal training sessions, we can offer advice and education on nutrition and weight management.

For the same fees as personal training, these sessions will improve your nutritional knowledge and help you plan to lose, maintain or gain weight. You will understand how to fuel your body correctly for daily life and exercise.